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Mobile applications have become brand-leading assets for many. These applications set clear expectations for the users concerning what they offer and how they represent a brand. For some, they are of better use than for others. An example would be, considering a mirroring application is of best usage for a software tester compared to a banking consultant.

Considering all applications that any individual may be using, they would all have one thing in common. That would be their store updates. That is assumed considering all applications a user has, are verified by their respective operating store. Updating mobile applications is considered very critical to maintaining your software features and business logic. Other than that, it enables you to introduce new features explicitly to your mobile app services that would then target and increased user engagement. Here I spotlighted that why businesses must update their published applications so frequently.

A few reasons are targetting why some Mobile applications need updates quite often than others. Updates often help keep your mobile application’s users happy by:

  • Staying Ahead of all and/or any Bugs.
  • Providing updates based on minor tweaks from Quality Analysis.
  • Updating your mobile app services.
  • Making noticeable changes to user interface & user experience.
  • Keeping Up With the latest technology trends.
  • Staying relevant to the market growth and your personal analytical study.
  • Many updates often also help by providing patches to some security flaws.
  • Frequently updating would help protect your data.

It has been noticed, via a survey, more than one-third of the companies offering unique mobile app services would update their apps at least once every month, while non-unique applications get updated every 2–6 months.

This just proved that publishing your mobile applications is not the end of the story/flow. Many updates would definitely be needed as you go ahead with the mobile application. After studying user trends, and your own analytical data, or comparing marketing trends, or even after quality analysis, updates to your mobile app services would be there. Your app is now considered a living asset to your brand, and updating it would help balance the scale towards success than failure. It would not rest solely on the number of downloads as user reviews would be a significant part, and they could easily be adhered via providing quality updates to the application’s services.

Working on user reviews would mean for you to be able to connect with the people who have installed your application and are leaving feedback. Those users would be your active users. They would expect some sort of updates that would point to the progression from your app from the feedback provided. User consistency is maintained using that, and if they don’t get updates as per the recommendations, they will delete or stop using the app.

From an analytical study, one would say that most successful applications would be updated on a regular basis. The more popular mobile applications are often updated every week. These application developers are ahead in their staging applications by around two to four weeks of time, and therefore, weekly updates are possible. While the applications on a little lower end of the scale usually get at least a monthly update, or even more.

It is vital to note that your mobile app’s services must be updated by a data-driven analysis of the active user’s qualitative user feedback. This quantitative data along with the combination of your understanding of your market trends. If we are able to determine the correct balance of such dependent elements and make a proper rhythm of providing updates, even though time-consuming initially, but the effort that would be added will eventually lead to the exponential growth in the user database, their usage of the various services, and better return on your investment from the mobile app development that you’ve published.

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