Not long ago, we’ve realized how important Smart Phones could become if you know how to use them. There are many apparent pros and cons to this need that exists amongst the world that carries a phone, no less a smartphone. What makes a Smartphone so-called Smart? Is it the way it looks, or how it manages multiple programs all at once, or the way its slender body allows sturdy grip while exploring media on the device? The answer to what makes a smartphone smart is the applications it carries.
That was quite the case, but there were problems in their specific development. Even though we call it a smartphone, but the software that makes them lively is also platform-specific. Smartphones use operating systems Windows, Google-Android, Apple-iOS, BlackBerry OS, and many more. Now that, had a conflict for each type of operating system. So now, one application was not compatible and had to be developed in the Native environment separately for each smartphone to be compatible with it. Here is when Hybrid Mobile application development had realized.
What is Hybrid Mobile application development?
Hybrid mobile applications are simply the applications that are built once for multiple mobile platforms to run on them simultaneously. They are platform-independent, and so they can run on all the mobile operating systems that they are made compatible for. Whilst this, multiple application development languages have been made available, using the same concept at its core. They are made using all the basic principles and semantics of HTML and CSS, with JavaScript as the leading force. Some of the most commonly and widely used Hybrid Mobile Applications are developed using Flutter, React Native, Iconic, Xamarin, JQuery Mobile, and Angular. No doubt as there are more that are being used but these are the most famous as one would say.
Though Hybrid applications are now very much in use, it was not the case when it started its journey. They were initially seen as more informative applications than interactive applications. Still, the complex business logic and financial flows were better dependent on native application development. That would mean a few features like user communications, chats, routing, using the map, or steering actions worked better and efficiently if they used Native language.
Now, it would be more about what a user would want an application to do than what it can do. That becomes one of the main reasons to be creative while developing. Experienced engineers now know various turn-around and effective ways to make the logic work. That is not the case with people who had just started or are just learning. They have been given more alternatives such as ready-made libraries to be able to better utilize the assets with the core logic.
Hybrid Mobile application development has changed how the world views mobile applications. Even though hybrid application development had made little to no difference for everyday users, the development and scalability had a major update in the IT industry. Now even while looking for leads, many people with the core knowledge of the technologies do look for hybrid mobile application development instead of native, since it has many benefits if compared. Since these features would overweigh the required business logic, hybrid apps would be an effective way to go with the same. That in no way would mean that Native application development is not in use or is not beneficial. The generic benefits for hybrid applications would be that they are:
- Easier to Create,
- Cheaper,
- High-speed performance,
- Attractive UI/UX designs,
- Multi-platform support,
- Qualified for an online marketplace, and many more

With the ever-growing IT industry and the need for more applications come, usually people look for mobile applications with not a lot of thought. The basic requirements as assumed that
- They must work on all mobile platforms,
- They must be Fast
- Best cost for best performance
- Interactive & Lucrative UI/UX
Hybrid applications seem to have solved most of these concerns with ease.
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