Anviam Blog

A Step ahead in Development

As an Android developer, I am interested in making apps happy to know my work is reached to a lot of people, but sometimes a concern pops up in my mind, that I am making apps to only a half of the population as other half is using iOS as their mobile OS. So what should I do to reach that other half?
Whether should I learn Swift and Kotlin (native) both side by side or should I shift to the cross-platform framework to solve my problem. 🤔
Well, after reading some blogs and watching videos, I conclude selecting a cross-platform framework and particularly flutter to build both iOS and Android apps.

Reasons WHY?
Well, let’s first have a glance of flutter.
As defined in the official documentation of flutter, Flutter is Google’s UI toolkit for building beautiful, natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase.

All it means is that Flutter is an open-source mobile SDK that can be used as a cross-platform tool to create native Android and iOS apps from a single code base by using a reactive framework.
Flutter 1.0 was officially launched in December 2018, and the language used in developing flutter apps is Dart which is a simple object-oriented programming language.
In Flutter everything is a widget, the whole UI is a widget which got created by combining different widget.
A big organization like eBay, Alibaba, Tencent, and many more are using flutter for developing apps that are being used by millions of users worldwide.

Few of Flutter’s Advantages
The same codebase for Android and iOS apps saves you a lot of time and resources.
Flutter provides reactive views without needing a bridge as required by react-native which enhanced its performance.
Stateful hot reload, a nice tool that helps you in checking your changes made in design instantly.
So is it a 👍 Total Win-Win Learning Flutter.

Learning flutter can help you in a lot of ways but it still has it’s limitations. Flutter can’t be your choice if you are interested in making games, and also, you can’t make apps that require a lot of platform-specific functionality.